Since its inception in 1994, php today as of 2019 powers over 60% of all websites and web applications live today. The biggest strength of php lies in the numerous frameworks that it supports. Wordpress, the most popular CMS engine is written in php. Even facebook’s first coding was done in php. Lot of popular websites are done in php.
We at BitWise have done projects in core php and worked on various frameworks as listed below –
Use php for its speed and ease of coding. Also the amount of human resources available for php is very high – making php projects economical and easy to manage and maintain. Also php can be hosted easily on a very lean linux box – making its hosting really cheap. Lastly, php also offers flexibility to connect to various databases.
We have worked on more than 200 websites and web applications using PHP and its various frameworks. We have indepth knowledge of how php is architectured and its intricacies. Infact, BitWise ventures grew as popularity of PHP grew. Laravel stands to be our favorite web application framework till date. We are confident to work on core php or ANY php framework.