In your game, it might be possible that user directly wants to send an email to feedback or any suggestions to game support.
For that, there is a simple code implementation,
Attach the SendMailClass script to your active game object & use sendEMailToSingleRecipient() for sending email to single recipient.
Use sendEMailToMultypleRecipient() to send multiple recipient.
In sendEMailToMultypleRecipient() we are using an array of email id which is a string.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SendMailClass : MonoBehaviour {
//recipient's email id
string email_string = "";
//recipient's email id array
string[] email_string_array = new string[]{"",""};
//email subject
string subject_string = "Your subject text";
//email body
string body_string = "Your body text";
//for sending mail to single recipient
public void sendEMailToSingleRecipient(){
string email = email_string;
string subject = EscapeURLFunction(subject_string);
string body = EscapeURLFunction(body_string);
//Open the native default app
Application.OpenURL ("mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body);
//for sending mail to multiple recipient
public void sendEMailToMultypleRecipient(){
string email = "";
foreach (string email_str in email_string_array) {
email += email_str + ",";
string subject = EscapeURLFunction(subject_string);
string body = EscapeURLFunction(body_string);
//Open the native default app
Application.OpenURL ("mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body);
string EscapeURLFunction (string url){
return WWW.EscapeURL(url).Replace("+","%20");
void OnGUI() {
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 10, 250, 50), "Send mail to single recipient"))
sendEMailToSingleRecipient ();
else if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 70, 250, 50), "Send mail to multiple recipient"))
sendEMailToMultypleRecipient ();
This code will be useful for Android & iOS game.
Also, see the attachments for APK & Project sample.